Australian primary
producers have an enviable record in innovation and productivity. Evidence
suggests that the recent slowdown in productivity gains in Australian
agriculture are associated with a decline in the intensity of public and
private investment in research and innovation. Productivity improvement is
vital to offset the declining terms of trade continually faced by primary
producers, helping manage rising input costs and minimise impacts on the
natural environment.
AgForce is an active supporter of agricultural research, development, extension
and adoption (RDEA) has been involved in a number of initiatives to promote
ongoing investment in productivity raising innovations and in assisting
producers to adopt useful technologies and improved practices. AgForce owns two
research stations, 'Belmont' and 'Brian Pastures', where industry relevant
research and training occurs as well as education programs for the next
generation of primary producers. AgForce also has representation on peak bodies
with input into research agendas and advocates to governments for funding of RDEA.
Research Development and Extension
Research, development and extension (RD&E) within agricultural industries is critical to ensuring our industries are sustainable, with minimal environmental impact, and robust R&D can deliver strong rates of adoption when supported by effective extension activities.
For agricultural industries, the time lag between scientific advancements and adoption can be considerable. For industries to continue to thrive, reducing the time taken for R&D to become commercialised into something usable on-farm is vital. In the grains industry, there must be a streamlined process from pre-breeding, breeding and commercialisation which results in new, more resilient or productive varieties being rolled out for commercial use. This rapid rollout is particularly important as producers themselves, through the levy system, contribute a significant portion of the R&D investment.
Governments are challenged by many budgetary pressures and competing priorities. But there is a significant risk of research, development, extension and adoption (RDE&A) underinvestment, particularly towards public-good issues. During the 2015 financial year, the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (QDAF) invested $63 million of State funds into RD&E programs, or just 0.48 per cent of the combined value of horticulture, livestock and livestock products, and cropping in the State. Quite clearly, the intensity of the State Government's R&D investment into agriculture is insufficient when compared with the State's agricultural output.
Given the significant challenges facing broadacre agriculture and the public benefits that accrue from rural R&D investment, a strong public and private sector commitment to agricultural innovation is vital.
Solutions that AgForce advocates:
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