Foreign Investment

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Foreign Investment

Foreign direct investment has long been a feature of agriculture in Australia, due to our relatively smaller population and savings base, and our business-friendly environment, infrastructure, natural resources, skilled staff and stable government. These capital inflows have increased the potential for agricultural development and provide trade opportunities.

Australian farmers are amongst the least supported and most efficient in the world. Given the benefits that have flowed from foreign investment and with the capacity to minimise any risks through appropriate monitoring and regulation, AgForce has adopted a policy position of not opposing commercially-motivated foreign investment in broadacre agriculture provided that it:

  1. does not compromise market transparency, competition or pricing mechanisms
  2. does not distort resource allocation or agricultural land use
  3. is effectively monitored, including industry-relevant investment disclosure thresholds, and regulated to ensure Australia's national interests are not compromised.

Transparency is key to securing community confidence that foreign investment is in our national interest and so AgForce supports appropriate government scrutiny and oversight of this investment, without reducing the attractiveness of Australia as an investment destination. 

In Queensland all foreign entities are required under the Foreign Ownership of Land Register Act 1988 to notify the Registrar of Titles of any acquisition or disposal of land interests or water allocations and these are monitored in the Foreign Ownership of Land Register and regularly reported.

Following advocacy by AgForce and other rural groups the Australian Government has implemented a national register of foreign ownership of agricultural land and water assets and lowered the thresholds at which an investment proposal by a foreign investor is scrutinised. More information is available at the Foreign Investment Review Board website.

While supporting commercially-motivated foreign investment, AgForce will continue to promote transparency and appropriate regulation of these investment flows to ensure the interests of Queensland's broadacre industries are protected. 

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Foreign Investment

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